Club Announcement – Executive/Committee Updates
It is with sadness and gratitude the club announces that two long serving life members of the club, Bernard Mutimer and Andrew Beck are stepping down from the Committee having resigned from their respective positions of President and Treasurer, effective immediately.
Bernie has served on the Committee since 2012 serving in roles of Junior Coordinator and General Committee before moving into the role of President in 2018. Bernie has overseen major BCC events/developments such as our 180th celebrations and our new turf wickets at BBO, as well as navigated the club through unprecedent Covid affected seasons. Bernie will be remembered for his hands-on approach as President, in particular his famous Thursday night dinners, and leaves the club in good stead moving forward.
Andrew served as President from 2013 to 2018 coming to the aid of the club in our hour of need, helping direct us to a more stable and sustainable position. In his time as President, Andrew played a significant part in a key transition period for the club, reestablishing financial stability at the club as well overseeing our landmark 175th celebrations. After handing over the Presidency reins to Bernie in 2018, Andrew has since stayed on as Treasurer, further consolidating the club’s financial position.
With the season now set up and in flight, the timing was appropriate for both Andrew and Bernie to step aside and allow for the club to start planning for a new chapter. We thank them both for their incredible contribution over so many years and look forward to seeing them around the club for many years to come.
In the interim, the remaining Committee members will occupy the Executive positions to see things through until the next AGM where members will be welcome to nominate for these positions to be voted on. John Damiano will move into the position of interim President, with James Perkins-Stafford moving into the position if interim Treasurer and Nathan Steele will continue as club Secretary.
Further announcements will be made with regard to additional positions on the committee required to be filled to assist for the remainder for Season 2023-24. If anyone would like to express any interest in assisting the committee in the short term or has any questions or queries about anything, please reach out via email to